Non-admitted patient activity

Non-admitted patients do not undergo a hospital’s formal admission process but instead receive services as outpatients. The types of services which non-admitted patients may access include procedural clinics, medical consultation clinics, diagnostic services, and allied health and/or clinical nurse specialist intervention clinics.

In 2022–23, non-admitted patient activity is measured using data from 2 different sources:

  • clinic-level data from National Non-admitted patient care aggregate Database (NNAPC(agg)D) are used to describe overall non-admitted patient care reported
  • episode-level data from National Non-admitted Patient episode-level Database (NNAP(el)D) accounts for 83% of non-admitted patient service events. These service events are used to provide more detailed information, including:
    • patient characteristics of those who used these services
    • how the services were delivered
    • the type of care provided.